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Sea Change
Fall Semester, 2020
Subjects: Music, Marketing, Engineering
Chet’s Subject: Music
Grades: 9th-12th
Community Partners: Taiwanderful

Essential Question: Can waste create meaningful change?

Project Description: For the first semester of Project Based Learning at VIS, the entire high school took part in one project: Sea Change.  Our community partner, Taiwanderful, used recycled plastics to create new pieces of furniture, art, and building material. During this project, students researched the impact of ocean waste, plastics, and recycling.  Students then ground up recycled plastics using machines on loan from Taiwanderufl, and created their own unique works of art. In music class, students wrote their own songs about the ocean, created their own instruments from recycled goods, and then played their songs at exhibition.

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Sensory Overload / Bluthe Project
Spring Semester, 2021
Subjects: Media, Engineering, Psychology
Chet’s Subject: Media
Grades: 11th
Community Partners: National Taiwan University
Essential Question: How does sensation affect our lives?
Project Description: Students had the opportunity this semester to design their own project from scratch. Students had these stipulations they needed to account for in their project design: the project must be about some sort of sensation, the project must aim to solve a current problem, and the project must include content they’d learned from their three classes.  Throughout the semester, students engaged in mini projects and eventually pitched the winning project: The Bluthe.  Students would create a phone booth for students at National Taiwan University where they could get direct access to mental health services.  Students planned out the steps, did the research, and ordered the materials. Unfortunately, the pandemic came to Taiwan just as the building phase got underway, and the rest of the semester was taught online.  Students created plans on how to build the booth for when they returned.  

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