Double Exposure
Fall Semester, 2022
Subjects: Humanities, Math, Physics
Chet’s Subject: Humanities
Community Partners: Camera Exposure
Essential Question: What pictures tell a story? No story is that simple. How do we tell the whole story?
Fall Semester, 2022
Subjects: Humanities, Math, Physics
Chet’s Subject: Humanities
Community Partners: Camera Exposure
Essential Question: What pictures tell a story? No story is that simple. How do we tell the whole story?
Project Description: In this project, students explored how images tell stories, explored history and culture through graphic novels, and at the end of the semester, created their own graphic novels. Students worked with two main graphic novel texts: The Iliad, and American Born Chinese.
Throughout the semester, students explored how images, writing, and the combination of the two have the power to tell stories in ways that exclusively neither can do alone. Students worked on their own craft by interviewing and telling stories of their classmates, working on their daily calendars that expressed their personal journeys, and wrote essays and short stories while including photos from their lives.
Throughout the semester, students explored how images, writing, and the combination of the two have the power to tell stories in ways that exclusively neither can do alone. Students worked on their own craft by interviewing and telling stories of their classmates, working on their daily calendars that expressed their personal journeys, and wrote essays and short stories while including photos from their lives.
Graphic Novels

Graphic Novel Folders

Complex Heroes

Iliad Graphic Novel Spreads